Q&A with Anne

Have you always been a midwest gal?

YES! Born & raised in South Detroit...kidding. But c'mon, you know that song, right??

Grew up in Independence, MO, moved to Blue Springs in highschool, went to college at Baker U in Baldwin City, KS, then moved back "home" to Pleasant Hill when we started having babies.

It takes an army to raise those babies, y'all!

How did you and Jon meet?

Well, long story short, he bailed me out of jail in college. I mean, any man who shows up in the middle of the night to bail your stupid butt out of jail is a winner in my book.

Relax, Karen. It was just a few....like 5.

Wait, you have THREE girls?

Yes, yes we do. And dang proud of it.

Lara Anne will soon turn 9, but thinks she's 19. I tell everyone, she truly believes IN HER CORE that she can run the house better than I can. She's silent, but fierce.  

Sadie June is 6 and she's the life of the party and our home. She's a miniature version of myself which make me laugh most of the time...but other times, scares the living heck out of me. I'm not sure I'll survive her teenage years. Pray for us.

Lainey Rose will be 3 this Halloween, and is just the best dang thing in the world. She's feisty, but also a ball of love when she wants to be. She is carried around AND ADORED by her big sisters, sometimes against her will. Bless her heart, she's stuck with 'em.

When did you start your photography business?

We had our first baby in the summer of 2014 and I quickly became OBSESSED with capturing ALL the things. Including the tears, the boogers & the vomit. Those "real life" images are ones I'll treasure forever. Anne with a Cam was officially born in January 2016!

My mission is to help everyone see the value of raw, real life moments captured either in your home. or during a fun outdoor session on my land.